Guide providing information about installing Insulating sheathing above the roof deck on existing homes. This retrofit assembly is appropriate for homes with conditioned attics or where the retrofit is intended to create a conditioned attic.
Guide describing how to properly test the air barrier between the garage and house, and how to ensure the air barrier is tight enough to prevent garage air from entering the home.
Guide describing how to insulate a basement to improve the overall thermal performance of the building and provide more dry, usable conditioned space for home occupants and for HVAC equipment.
This guide provides design and construction details and approaches to meet the required air sealing requirements for air leakage of no more than 0.30 cfm50/ft 2 of dwelling unit enclosure area for ENERGY STAR Multifamily new construction and no more than 0.25 cfm50/ft 2 of enclosure area for the U.S...
Information guide listing Building America Solution Center guides describing ways to air seal and insulate a new or existing home's walls to resist heat gain.
Guide describing how to air seal the gap between the drywall shaft wall (i.e., common wall) and the structural framing between units in multifamily housing.
Information guide providing links to guides describing specific ways to air seal, insulate, and ventilate attics and roofs to minimize heat gain in new and existing homes.
Guide describing ways to secure appliances and furniture to make them resistant to tipping over for safety in a natural disaster and for general household safety.
Guide discussing disaster resistance related to asphalt shingle roofing when installing roofing on new construction or when repairing or replacing roofing on existing homes.
Guide describing the use of attic ventilation fans to mechanically pull outside air through the attic in an attempt to cool the attic, control moisture, and prevent ice dams.
Guide describing different types of gas shutoff valves to shutoff the flow of natural gas into a home to stop gas spills due to an accident or natural disaster.
Guide describing Installing blanket fiberglass insulation on the interior walls of a conditioned, unfinished basement as an alternative to best practice solutions.