To certify a home to ENERGY STAR, the builder’s home must meet the mandatory requirements listed in the five checklists below and achieve a Home Energy Rating System (HERS) score that is better than the HERS Target score for a Reference Design Home.
A Reference Design Home is a theoretical home built to the requirements shown in the ENERGY STAR National Program Requirements, Exhibit 1: ENERGY STAR Reference Design Home, in the builder’s climate zone. When configuring the actual home, the builder does not need to follow the prescribed features shown in Exhibit 1 but has the flexibility to select a custom combination of such measures as heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment and insulation types, so long as the house design meets or exceeds (is lower than) the Target score. The house must also meet all of the mandatory requirements shown in Exhibit 2 of the National Program Requirements; these mandatory requirements consist of five checklists described below. The builder (or designer) uses a RESNET-accredited Home Energy Rating software program to determine the ENERGY STAR HERS Target Index and uses the same software to determine if the desired home design meets or exceeds (is lower than) that Target score.
See the ENERGY STAR National Program Requirements webpage for detailed information about the certification process, including home eligibility and partnership requirements, criteria, and exceptions. Note that some states have adopted Version 3.1 or region-specific versions of ENERGY STAR Single-Family New Homes. See this webpage for a current table of versions required for each U.S. state and territory and adoption dates based on home permit dates. The Home Energy Rater certifying the home may define the “permit date” as either the date that the permit was issued or the date of the contract on the home. In cases where permit or contract dates are not available, Providers have the discretion to estimate permit dates based on other construction schedule factors.
After construction, a Home Energy Rater will verify that the completed home has met the HERS Target score as well as the mandatory requirements of the five checklists:
- National HVAC Design Report –This checklist is completed by the HVAC Designer and provided to the Rater.
- National Rater Design Review Checklist - The Rater conducts the design review and fills out this checklist after running the home energy rating software to verify that the home design meets the HERS Target.
- National Water Management System Builder Requirements –This list does not need to be turned in, but the Builder must ensure that each certified home is constructed to meet these requirements.
- National Rater Field Checklist – The Rater completes this Checklist during two site visits – one prior to drywall installation and the other after construction is complete.
- National HVAC Commissioning Checklist – The HVAC installer fills out this checklist and retains it, along with a copy of the corresponding HVAC Design Report. One checklist is completed for each system installed. The HVAC installer must provide copies of the checklist to the Builder, the Rater responsible for certifying the home, and the HVAC oversight organization, upon request.
The National Rater Field checklists and the National Water Management System Builder Requirements provided below include links to installation guides for each measure.
- Rater Design Review Checklist
Thermal Enclosure System
- 1. High-Performance Fenestration & Insulation
2. Fully-Aligned Air Barriers
- 2.1 Dropped ceilings/soffits below unconditioned attics, and all other ceilings
- 2.2 Walls behind showers, tubs, staircases, and fireplaces
- 2.3 Attic knee walls and skylight shaft walls
- 2.4 Walls adjoining porch roofs or garages
- 2.5 Double-walls and all other exterior walls
- 2.6 Floors above garages, floors above unconditioned basements or crawlspaces, and cantilevered floors
- 2.7 All other floors adjoining unconditioned space (e.g., rim/band joists at exterior wall or at porch roof)
3. Reduced Thermal Bridging
- 3.1 For insulated ceilings with attic space above (i.e., non-cathedralized), Grade I insulation extends to the inside face of the exterior wall below and is ≥ R-21 in CZ 1-5; ≥ R-30 in CZ 6-8
- 3.2 For slabs on grade in CZ 4-8, 100% of slab edge insulated to ≥ R-5 at the depth specified by the 2009 IECC and aligned with the thermal boundary of the walls
- 3.3 Insulation beneath attic platforms (e.g., HVAC platforms, walkways) ≥ R-21 in CZ 1-5; ≥ R-30 in CZ 6-8
3.4 At above-grade walls separating conditioned from unconditioned space, one of the following options used (rim/band joists exempted):
- 3.4.1 Continuous rigid insulation, insulated siding, or combination of the two is: ≥ R-3 in CZ 1-4; ≥ R-5 in CZ 5-8, OR
- 3.4.2 Structural Insulated Panels OR; Insulated Concrete Forms OR; Double-wall framing OR;
3.4.3 Advanced framing, including all of the Items below:
- 3.4.3a Corners insulated ≥ R-6 to edge, AND;
- 3.4.3b Headers above windows & doors insulated ≥ R-3 for 2x4 framing or equivalent cavity width, and ≥ R-5 for all other assemblies (e.g., with 2x6 framing), AND;
- 3.4.3c Framing limited at all windows & doors to one pair of king studs, plus one pair of jack studs per window opening to support the header and sill, AND;
- 3.4.3d Interior/exterior wall intersections insulated to same R-value as rest of exterior wall, AND;
- 3.4.3e Minimum stud spacing of 16 in. o.c. for 2x4 framing in all Climate Zones and, in CZ 6-8, 24 in. o.c. for 2x6 framing
4. Air Sealing (Unless otherwise noted below, “sealed” indicates the use of caulk, foam, or equivalent material)
- 4.1 Ducts, flues, shafts, plumbing, piping, wiring, exhaust fans, & other penetrations to unconditioned space sealed, with blocking/flashing as needed
- 4.2 Recessed lighting fixtures adjacent to unconditioned space ICAT labeled and gasketed. Also, if in insulated ceiling without attic above, exterior surface of fixture insulated to ≥ R-10 in CZ 4-8
- 4.3 Above-grade sill plates adjacent to conditioned space sealed to foundation or sub-floor. Gasket also placed beneath above-grade sill plate if resting atop concrete/masonry & adjacent to cond. space
- 4.4 Continuous top plate or blocking is at top of walls adjoining unconditioned space, and sealed
- 4.5 Drywall sealed to top plate at all unconditioned attic/wall interfaces using caulk, foam, drywall adhesive, or equivalent material. Either apply sealant directly between drywall and top plate or to the seam between the two from the attic above
- 4.6 Rough opening around windows & exterior doors sealed
- 4.7 Walls that separate attached garages from occupiable space sealed and, also, an air barrier installed and sealed at floor cavities aligned with these walls
- 4.8 In multifamily buildings, the gap between the common wall (e.g. the drywall shaft wall) and the structural framing between units sealed at all exterior boundaries
- 4.9 Doors adjacent to unconditioned space (e.g., attics, garages, basements) or ambient conditions made substantially air-tight with weatherstripping or equivalent gasket
- 4.10 Attic access panels, drop-down stairs, & whole-house fans equipped with durable ≥ R-10 cover that is gasketed (i.e., not caulked). Fan covers either installed on house side or mechanically operated
HVAC System
- 5. Heating & Cooling Equipment
6. Duct Quality Installation
- 6.1 Ductwork installed without kinks, sharp bends, compressions, or excessive coiled flexible ductwork
- 6.2 Bedrooms pressure-balanced using any combination of transfer grills, jump ducts, dedicated return ducts, and/or undercut doors to achieve a Rater-measured pressure differential ≤ 3 Pa
- 6.3 All supply and return ducts in unconditioned space, including connections to trunk ducts, are insulated to ≥ R-6
6.4 Rater-measured total duct leakage meets one of the following two options:
- 6.4.1 Rough-in: The greater of ≤ 4 CFM25 per 100 sq. ft. of CFA or ≤ 40 CFM, with air handler & all ducts, building cavities used as ducts, & duct boots installed. In addition, all duct boots sealed to finished surface, Rater-verified at final
- 6.4.2 Final: The greater of ≤ 8 CFM25 per 100 sq. ft. of CFA or ≤ 80 CFM, with the air handler & all ducts, building cavities used as ducts, duct boots, & register grilles atop the finished surface (e.g., drywall, floor) installed
- 6.5 Rater-measured duct leakage to outdoors the greater of ≤ 4 CFM25 per 100 sq. ft. of CFA or ≤ 40 CFM25
7. Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation System
- 7.1 Rater-measured ventilation rate is within either ± 15 CFM or ±15% of design value (2.3)
- 7.2 A readily-accessible ventilation override control installed and also labeled if its function is not obvious (e.g., a label is required for a standalone wall switch, but not for a switch that’s on the ventilation equipment)
- 7.3 No outdoor air intakes connected to return side of the HVAC system, unless controls are installed to operate intermittently & automatically based on a timer and to restrict intake when not in use (e.g., motorized damper)
- 7.4 System fan rated ≤ 3 sones if intermittent and ≤ 1 sone if continuous, or exempted
- 7.5 If system utilizes the HVAC fan, then the specified fan type is ECM/ICM (4.7), or the controls will reduce the standalone ventilation run-time by accounting for hours when the HVAC system is heating or cooling
- 7.6 Bathroom fans are ENERGY STAR certified if used as part of the whole-house system
7.7 Air inlet location (Complete if ventilation air inlet location was specified (2.12, 2.13); otherwise check “N/A”):
- 7.7.1 Inlet pulls ventilation air directly from outdoors and not from attic, crawlspace, garage, or adjacent dwelling unit
- 7.7.2 Inlet is ≥ 2 ft. above grade or roof deck; ≥ 10 ft. of stretched-string distance from known contamination sources (e.g., stack, vent, exhaust, vehicles) not exiting the roof, and ≥ 3 ft. distance from sources exiting the roof
- 7.7.3 Inlet is provided with rodent/insect screen with ≤ 0.5 inch mesh
8. Local Mechanical Exhaust
- 8.1 Kitchen system exhausts directly outdoors and has a continuous rate ≥ 5 ACH based on kitchen volume (Recommended ≤ 1 sone) or an intermittent rate ≥ 100 CFM and if not integrated with range, also ≥ 5 ACH based on kitchen volume (Recommended ≤ 3 sones)
- 8.2 Bathroom system exhausts directly outdoors and has a continuous rate ≥ 20 CFM (Recommended ≤ 1 sone) or an intermittent rate ≥ 50 CFM (Recommended ≤ 3 sones)
9. Filtration
- 9.1 At least one MERV 6 or higher filter installed in each ducted mechanical system in a location that facilitates access and regular service by the owner
- 9.2 Filter access panel includes gasket or comparable sealing mechanism and fits snugly against the exposed edge of filter when closed to prevent bypass
- 9.3 All return air and mechanically supplied outdoor air passes through filter prior to conditioning
10. Combustion Appliances
- 10.1 Furnaces, boilers, and water heaters located within the home’s pressure boundary are mechanically drafted or direct-vented
- 10.2 Fireplaces located within the home’s pressure boundary are mechanically drafted or direct-vented
- 10.3 If unvented combustion appliances other than cooking ranges or ovens are located inside the home’s pressure boundary, the Rater has followed Section 805 of RESNET’s Standards, encompassing ANSI/ACCA 12 QH-2014
Thermal Enclosure System
- HVAC Design Report
- HVAC Commissioning Checklist
- 1.1 Patio slabs, porch slabs, walks, and driveways sloped ≥ 0.25 in. per ft. away from home to edge of surface or 10 ft., whichever is less
- 1.2 Back-fill has been tamped and final grade sloped ≥ 0.5 in. per ft. away from home for ≥ 10 ft
- 1.3 Capillary break beneath all slabs (e.g., slab on grade, basement slab) except crawlspace slabs using either: ≥ 6 mil polyethylene sheeting, lapped 6-12 in., or ≥ 1 in. extruded polystyrene insulation with taped joints
- 1.4 Capillary break at all crawlspace floors using ≥ 6 mil polyethylene sheeting, lapped 6-12 in., & installed using one of the following:
- 1.5 Exterior surface of below-grade walls of basements & unvented crawlspaces finished as follows: a) For poured concrete, masonry, & ICFs, finish with damp-proofing coating b) For wood framed walls, finish with polyethylene and adhesive or other
- 1.6 Class 1 vapor retarder not installed on interior side of air permeable insulation in exterior below-grade walls
- 1.7 Sump pump covers mechanically attached with full gasket seal or equivalent
- 1.8 Drain tile installed at basement and crawlspace walls, with the top of the drain tile pipe below the bottom of the concrete slab or crawlspace floor
- 2.1 Flashing at bottom of exterior walls with weep holes included for masonry veneer and weep screed for stucco cladding systems, or equivalent drainage system
- 2.2 Fully sealed continuous drainage plane behind exterior cladding that laps over flashing and fully sealed at all penetrations. Additional bond-break drainage plane layer provided behind all stucco and non-structural masonry cladding wall assemblies
- 2.3 Window and door openings fully flashed
- 3.1 Step and kick-out flashing at all roof-wall intersections, extending ≥ 4" on wall surface above roof deck and integrated shingle-style with drainage plane above; boot / collar flashing at all roof penetrations
- 3.2. Homes without slab-on-grade foundation: gutters & downspouts empty to lateral piping that deposits on sloping final grade ≥ 5 ft. from foundation or to underground catchment system ≥ 10 ft. from foundation
- 3.3 Self-adhering polymer-modified bituminous membrane at all valleys & roof deck penetrations
- 3.4 In 2009 IECC Climate Zones 5 & higher, self-adhering polymer-modified bituminous membrane over sheathing at eaves from the edge of the roof line to > 2 ft. up roof deck from the interior plane of the exterior wall
- 4.1 Wall-to-wall carpet not installed within 2.5 ft. of toilets, tubs, and showers
- 4.2 Cement board or equivalent moisture-resistant backing material installed on all walls behind tub and shower enclosures composed of tile or panel assemblies with caulked joints. Paper-faced backerboard shall not be used
- 4.3 In Warm-Humid climates, Class 1 vapor retarders not installed on the interior side of air permeable insulation in above-grade walls, except at shower and tub walls
- 4.4 Building materials with visible signs of water damage or mold not installed or allowed to remain
- 4.5 Framing members & insulation products having high moisture content not enclosed (e.g., with drywall)
- 4.6 For each condensate-producing HVAC component, corrosion-resistant drain pan included that drains to a conspicuous point of disposal in case of blockage. Backflow prevention valve included if connected to a shared drainage system