Guide describing requirements for sheathing and sealing the roof decking in accordance with the requirements of the IBHS Fortified Home Program's Hurricane and High Wind Standards, and other roofing considerations to increase the roof's disaster resistance.
Guide describing options for providing access to the roof via openable skylights, dormer windows, or roof hatches, for occupants of homes in areas prone to severe flooding.
Guide describing how to construct and retrofit homes built on slab-on-grade foundations in earthquake-prone areas to withstand seismic forces by properly installing wall to foundation connections.
Guide describing steps that builders can take to reduce the likelihood of standing water and localized flooding around the foundation of a home during rainy conditions, with links to several full guides providing detailed instructions for improving water management in new and existing homes.
Guide describing use of smart power strips (i.e., Tier 1, master-slave, load-sensing advanced power strips) for miscellaneous electric loads such as entertainment centers and computer stations.
This guide describes procedures for assessing feasibility of solar resources, and designating location of propolsed PV arrays and solar thermal panels.
Guide describing how to hang ducts with supporting straps or saddles to adequately support ducts so they do not sag and are not pinched or compressed in a manner that would cause damage to the ducts, the duct insulation, or the duct air barrier covering.
Guide describing how to analyze boiler and building performance and install thermostatic radiator valves (TRV) to reduce temperatures in over heated spaces.