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Air Sealing and Compartmentalization in Multifamily Buildings

    Scope Images
    Compartmentalization isolates each dwelling unit within a multistory multifamily building, preventing vertical and horizontal airflow between units

    Air seal and compartmentalize multifamily buildings to reduce uncontrolled infiltration, exfiltration, and airflow between dwelling units.

    • Air seal to provide a complete air barrier for each individual unit and for the whole building in multifamily buildings, whether low-rise, midrise, or high-rise multistory buildings. Approaches may differ for interior-to-interior air control layers and interior-to-exterior air control layers.
    • Address the fire rating requirements for shared partition walls (“party walls”).
    • Address the effect of mechanical service cavities on compartmentalization in multistory buildings.
    • Conduct air pressurization testing to verify the building and individual units meet program and code requirements for air tightness.

    See the Compliance Tab for links to related codes and standards and voluntary federal energy-efficiency program requirements.



    This guide provides design and construction details and approaches to meet the required air sealing requirements for air leakage of no more than 0.30 cfm50/ft2 of dwelling unit enclosure area for ENERGY STAR Multifamily new construction and no more than 0.25 cfm50/ft2 of enclosure area for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Zero Energy Ready Home Program. 

    Air sealing strategies using either interior air control layers or a hybrid approach of interior and exterior control layers are presented. When an interior control layer, notably gypsum board, is used, approaches and details are similar whether the building assembly consists of wood frame, steel frame, or mass building enclosures. Complications associated with air sealing of vertical mechanical service cavities in multistory buildings are discussed. Guidance is also provided on enclosure leakage testing.


    Compartmentalization is the term used to describe approaches to control air flow in multifamily buildings by essentially turning the building into a series of single building units that share the same space. Each unit is isolated from the others so that they do not communicate with each other in terms of air flow. In other words, compartmentalization is like turning a ten-story building into ten one-story buildings that are stacked on top of one another. Or, for rowhouses or townhouses, it is like turning a ten-unit building into a row of ten individual houses that abut each other. Figure 1 illustrates this concept.

    Compartmentalization isolates each dwelling unit within a rowhouse, preventing horizontal airflow between units
    Compartmentalization isolates each dwelling unit within a rowhouse, preventing horizontal airflow between units
    Compartmentalization isolates each dwelling unit within a rowhouse, preventing horizontal airflow between units
    Figure 1. Compartmentalization of multifamily row houses means each dwelling unit is treated as a stand-alone unit with an intact air barrier separating it from the other units as well as from the outside (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Compartmentalization is necessary to reduce fire and smoke risk, provide safe egress during fire events, enhance indoor air quality, and help control odors. When the individual units of a multistory, multifamily building are not compartmentalized, or separated from each other by installing air sealing and air barriers, then outside air can be pulled into the lower part of the building and conditioned air can be pulled out of the upper floors due to the stack effect. Additionally, air from one unit can be drawn into adjacent units as air is pulled through the building. Figure 2 illustrates the impact of the stack effect on non-compartmentalized units in a multistory multifamily building. The term “stack effect” takes its name from a chimney stack where buoyant heated air flows out of the top of a chimney while air is drawn into the base of the chimney from the room below. This stack effect can be observed when trying to open an outside door on the ground floor of a tall building. The stack effect can create such an inward and upward pull that it can be difficult to open the door. 

    In a non-compartmentalized multistory multifamily building, the stack  effect can pull outside air in through leaks at lower floors and push air out through leaks in the upper envelope.
    In a non-compartmentalized multistory multifamily building, the stack effect can pull outside air in through leaks at lower floors and push air out through leaks in the upper envelope.
    In a non-compartmentalized multistory multifamily building, the stack effect can pull outside air in through leaks at lower floors and push air out through leaks in the upper envelope.
    Figure 2. In a non-compartmentalized multistory multifamily building, the stack effect can pull outside air in through leaks at lower floors and push air out through leaks in the upper envelope. (Source: Building Science Corporation).

    Compartmentalization, or thorough air sealing of each unit and between floors, stops this vertical air flow. Figure 3 shows the effect of compartmentalization - instead of a single large building stack effect, a “one-story” stack effect is seen at each floor. This is like turning a very tall chimney with a strong draw into much shorter chimneys with weak draws. This reduction in pressure differentials between the bottom floors and top floors results in reduced air leakage throughout the building.

    Compartmentalization uses air sealing to reduce the stack effect in a multistory building  - the large vertical pressure difference in a tall building is separated into smaller pressure differences at each floor
    Compartmentalization uses air sealing to reduce the stack effect in a multistory building - the large vertical pressure difference in a tall building is separated into smaller pressure differences at each floor
    Compartmentalization uses air sealing to reduce the stack effect in a multistory building - the large vertical pressure difference in a tall building is separated into smaller pressure differences at each floor
    Figure 3. Compartmentalization uses air sealing to reduce the stack effect in a multistory building - the large vertical pressure difference in a tall building is separated into smaller pressure differences at each floor (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Figure 4 illustrates the concept of compartmentalization in multistory multifamily buildings, where each dwelling unit is considered to be an individual unit consisting of a “six-sided” cube that needs to be “air sealed” on all six surfaces to isolate it from the other units in the building so that they do not communicate with each other in terms of air flow. Compartmentalization reduces pressure differences across each unit by preventing horizontal air flow between units.

    Compartmentalization isolates each dwelling unit within a multistory multifamily building, preventing vertical and horizontal airflow between units
    Compartmentalization isolates each dwelling unit within a multistory multifamily building, preventing vertical and horizontal airflow between units
    Compartmentalization isolates each dwelling unit within a multistory multifamily building, preventing vertical and horizontal airflow between units
    Figure 4. Each unit in a multistory multifamily building should be treated as a separate compartment with its own continuous air barrier to control air quality and minimize energy losses for that unit’s occupants. (Source: Building Science Corporation ).


    Figure 5 shows the “plan view” of one floor of a multistory multifamily building. The gray lines indicate the continuous air barriers that need to be established around each dwelling unit. The red lines indicate the air barriers separating each common space. The elevator shafts are isolated from the corridors by using “vestibules” like the one shown in Figure 6. The vestibules need to be air sealed on all six sides and have tightly fitting weather-stripped doors.  The vertical service shaft and trash chute are isolated from the corridors by locating them within the air barrier of the vestibules (Figure 7).  The stairwells are isolated from the corridors with weather-stripped fire doors. The individual dwelling units need to be air sealed and isolated from these non-unit spaces as well as from adjacent dwelling units. The principles of air sealing and compartmentalization are the same for wood frame, steel frame, and mass building enclosures.

    This plan view shows compartmentalization of one floor of a multistory multifamily building; red lines are air barriers around vertical shafts and common areas; grey lines are air barriers between units; vestibules isolate elevators from corridors
    This plan view shows compartmentalization of one floor of a multistory multifamily building; red lines are air barriers around vertical shafts and common areas; grey lines are air barriers between units; vestibules isolate elevators from corridors
    This plan view shows compartmentalization of one floor of a multistory multifamily building; red lines are air barriers around vertical shafts and common areas; grey lines are air barriers between units; vestibules isolate elevators from corridors
    Figure 5. This plan view shows compartmentalization of one floor of a multistory multifamily building; red lines are air barriers around vertical shafts and common areas; grey lines are air barriers between units; vestibules isolate elevators from corridors (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Elevator shafts in multistory buildings are isolated from corridors by using “vestibules” or air-sealed entryways that provide a secondary air barrier when elevator doors are opened
    Elevator shafts in multistory buildings are isolated from corridors by using “vestibules” or air-sealed entryways that provide a secondary air barrier when elevator doors are opened
    Elevator shafts in multistory buildings are isolated from corridors by using “vestibules” or air-sealed entryways that provide a secondary air barrier when elevator doors are opened
    Figure 6. Elevator shafts in multistory buildings are isolated from corridors by using “vestibules” or air-sealed entryways that provide a secondary air barrier when elevator doors are opened (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Vertical service shafts and trash chutes are isolated from corridors in multistory buildings by locating them within the vestibules
    Vertical service shafts and trash chutes are isolated from corridors in multistory buildings by locating them within the vestibules
    Vertical service shafts and trash chutes are isolated from corridors in multistory buildings by locating them within the vestibules
    Figure 7. Vertical service shafts and trash chutes are isolated from corridors in multistory buildings by locating them within the vestibules (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Doors from individual units to the corridors are weather-stripped (Figure 8). When unit air leakage pressure testing is conducted, the fan testing equipment is often installed in the unit-to-corridor door and as such will not identify any leakage associated with the unit-to-corridor door. The unit-to-corridor door should be visually inspected to verify the presence of weather-stripping.

    Doors to individual units in a multifamily building are separated from corridors using weatherstripping and airtight door sweeps.
    Doors to individual units in a multifamily building are separated from corridors using weatherstripping and airtight door sweeps.
    Doors to individual units in a multifamily building are separated from corridors using weatherstripping and airtight door sweeps.
    Figure 8. Doors to individual units in a multifamily building are separated from corridors using weather-stripped and air-tight door sweeps (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Mechanical Systems and Compartmentalization

    For compartmentalization to be effective, mechanical systems should also be “compartmentalized” or designed to address compartmentalization. Air sealing must be performed around ductwork where it passes through floors, and the walls of shafts and chase ways and the ducts themselves must be air sealed. 

    Hot water, chilled water, and refrigerant systems do not move air and are contained in sealed pipes. It is common in multistory multifamily buildings to locate individual-unit air conditioning or heat pump systems on roofs or at ground level. These “remote” individual unit systems are coupled to air handlers or coils located in each individual dwelling unit. This approach keeps the air-moving system within the boundaries of the compartmentalized dwelling unit. Similarly, each corridor should have its own system and each elevator vestibule should have its own system.

    Construction Details - Corridors

    Figure 9 shows the air sealing approach for isolating corridor service chases from individual dwelling units. Gypsum board is installed at the ceiling and sides of the service chase and is sealed with sealant, tape, and drywall mud prior to installing HVAC ducts, pipes, and wiring. This air sealing is critical to fire safety and smoke control. Most corridors have “dropped ceilings” that allow space for services to run to individual units. Note this gypsum will be installed before installation of gypsum for the remaining ceilings and walls and must be planned for in advance.

    The ceiling and sides of this service corridor in a multifamily building are air-sealed with mudded and taped drywall prior to installing pipes, wiring, and ducts.
    The ceiling and sides of this service corridor in a multifamily building are air-sealed with mudded and taped drywall prior to installing pipes, wiring, and ducts.
    The ceiling and sides of this service corridor in a multifamily building are air-sealed with mudded and taped drywall prior to installing pipes, wiring, and ducts.
    Figure 9. The ceiling and sides of this corridor service chase in a multifamily building are air sealed with mudded and taped drywall prior to installing pipes, wiring, and ducts (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Figure 10 shows a method for providing corridor compartmentalization when a truss floor structural system is used. The gypsum board on the corridor walls extends upward past the corridor trusses and is sealed to the underside of the floor sheathing of the floor above. These approaches work whether wood framing or steel framing is used. 

    This air-sealing approach uses the wall drywall to isolate the corridor from the individual units in a multifamily building that has a truss floor structural system
    This air-sealing approach uses the wall drywall to isolate the corridor from the individual units in a multifamily building that has a truss floor structural system
    This air-sealing approach uses the wall drywall to isolate the corridor from the individual units in a multifamily building that has a truss floor structural system
    Figure 10. This air-sealing approach uses the wall drywall to isolate the corridor from the individual units in a multifamily building that has a truss floor structural system (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Construction Details – Dwelling Unit Separation

    As noted previously, an effective approach to isolate individual units is to use gypsum board to provide the air sealing and airtightness of the individual dwelling units. Note that the units need to be isolated from the exterior as well as from neighboring adjacent units. Think of a gypsum board “cube” where 4 of the 6 sides of the cube are gypsum board and the bottom of the cube is a floor assembly (sheathing or concrete) and the top of the cube is the floor sheathing or floor assembly above (or attic ceiling gypsum board in the case of the top floor). It is necessary to seal the tops and bottoms of the exterior walls, window openings, and intersecting interior walls (Figures 11, 12, and 13). 

    A continuous bead of sealant is installed to air seal along the top and bottom plates at all exterior walls and intersecting interior walls as well as around windows in exterior walls
    A continuous bead of sealant is installed to air seal along the top and bottom plates at all exterior walls and intersecting interior walls as well as around windows in exterior walls
    A continuous bead of sealant is installed to air seal along the top and bottom plates at all exterior walls and intersecting interior walls as well as around windows in exterior walls
    Figure 11. A continuous bead of sealant is installed to air seal along the top and bottom plates at all exterior walls and intersecting interior walls as well as around windows in exterior walls (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Sealant is installed to air seal along the top and bottom plates of exterior walls and along both sides of the first interior stud on intersecting interior walls
    Sealant is installed to air seal along the top and bottom plates of exterior walls and along both sides of the first interior stud on intersecting interior walls
    Sealant is installed to air seal along the top and bottom plates of exterior walls and along both sides of the first interior stud on intersecting interior walls
    Figure 12. Sealant is installed to air seal along the top and bottom plates of exterior walls and along both sides of the first interior stud on intersecting interior walls (Source: Building Science Corporation).
    Plan view showing air sealing between exterior walls and intersecting interior walls
    Plan view showing air sealing between exterior walls and intersecting interior walls
    Plan view showing air sealing between exterior walls and intersecting interior walls
    Figure 13. Plan view showing air sealing between exterior walls and intersecting interior walls (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    The demising walls that separate the dwelling units and the interior walls that intersect corridor walls should be air sealed with fire-rated sealants and fire-rated assemblies (Figures 14 and 15). Joint compound by itself is not rated but, when used in a fire-rated assembly, joint compound is acceptable – the components acting together establish the rating. Further note in Figure 15 that OSB was installed as a solid air barrier between the floor trusses. These approaches work whether wood or steel stud faming is used.

    Fire-rated sealants or a fire-rated assembly air seal the tops and bottoms of the demising walls between two units in a multifamily building
    Fire-rated sealants or a fire-rated assembly air seal the tops and bottoms of the demising walls between two units in a multifamily building
    Fire-rated sealants or a fire-rated assembly air seal the tops and bottoms of the demising walls between two units in a multifamily building
    Figure 14. Fire-rated sealants or a fire-rated assembly air seals the tops and bottoms of the demising walls between two units in a multifamily building (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Fire-rated sealants or a fire-rated assembly air seal the tops and bottoms of the demising walls that separate one dwelling unit from another ina multifamily building
    Fire-rated sealants or a fire-rated assembly air seal the tops and bottoms of the demising walls that separate one dwelling unit from another ina multifamily building
    Fire-rated sealants or a fire-rated assembly air seal the tops and bottoms of the demising walls that separate one dwelling unit from another ina multifamily building
    Figure 15. Fire-rated sealants or a fire-rated assembly air seals the tops and bottoms of the demising walls that separate one dwelling unit from another in a multifamily building (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    It is necessary to air seal where an interior wall intersects a corridor wall. Figure 16 illustrates how joint compound is used to air seal along the first stud adjoining the intersecting wall. Joint compound is also used for air sealing at all gypsum board seams, nail holes, and points where the floor trusses cross the gypsum board to provide air-sealing in the corridor wall.  

    Where the interior wall intersects the corridor wall in this multifamily building, the first intersecting wall stud is sealed to the corridor wall along both sides; other seams and penetrations in the exterior wall are also sealed
    Where the interior wall intersects the corridor wall in this multifamily building, the first intersecting wall stud is sealed to the corridor wall along both sides; other seams and penetrations in the exterior wall are also sealed
    Where the interior wall intersects the corridor wall in this multifamily building, the first intersecting wall stud is sealed to the corridor wall along both sides; other seams and penetrations in the exterior wall are also sealed
    Figure 16. Where the interior wall intersects the corridor wall in this multifamily building, the first intersecting wall stud is sealed to the corridor wall along both sides; other seams and penetrations in the exterior wall are also sealed (Source: Building Science Corporation).

    Air Sealing Bathtub and Shower Enclosures

    Bathtub and shower enclosures can be a large source of air leakage to the outside in single- and multifamily buildings, especially when the tub or shower is installed along an exterior wall or a demising wall separating one dwelling unit from another. The bathtub or shower enclosure should be air sealed with a rigid material such as gypsum board or fiber cement sheet products that have been tested to provide a fire-rated assembly (Figures 17-20). The bathtub and bathtub enclosure air sealing has to be in place prior to installation of the bathtub and bathtub enclosures. This is often referred to as “prerocking.” Air sealing includes sealing joints in the gypsum board and sealing the gypsum board or other rigid material to the bottom plates and floor assembly as well as air sealing around any pipes that go through the walls or subfloor.

    A rigid air barrier of non-paper-faced gypsum board is installed before the bathtub is installed and all seams are caulked
    A rigid air barrier of non-paper-faced gypsum board is installed before the bathtub is installed and all seams are caulked
    A rigid air barrier of non-paper-faced gypsum board is installed before the bathtub is installed and all seams are caulked
    Figure 17. A rigid air barrier of non-paper-faced gypsum board is installed before the bathtub is installed and all seams are caulked (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Gypsum board is installed behind the bathtub before the tub is installed and all seams are sealed
    Gypsum board is installed behind the bathtub before the tub is installed and all seams are sealed
    Gypsum board is installed behind the bathtub before the tub is installed and all seams are sealed
    Figure 18. Gypsum board is installed behind the bathtub before the tub is installed and all seams are sealed (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    The rigid air barrier behind the tub is air sealed where the sheet good meets adjoining walls, on any seams in the air barrier sheathing, and between the drywall and framing on both sides of the tub
    The rigid air barrier behind the tub is air sealed where the sheet good meets adjoining walls, on any seams in the air barrier sheathing, and between the drywall and framing on both sides of the tub
    The rigid air barrier behind the tub is air sealed where the sheet good meets adjoining walls, on any seams in the air barrier sheathing, and between the drywall and framing on both sides of the tub
    Figure 19. The rigid air barrier behind the tub is air sealed where the sheet good meets adjoining walls, on any seams in the air barrier sheathing, and between the drywall and framing on both sides of the tub (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Detail showing air sealing of cement board to behind-tub air barrier and water sealing of tile and tub edge where tile meets tub
    Detail showing air sealing of cement board to behind-tub air barrier and water sealing of tile and tub edge where tile meets tub
    Detail showing air sealing of cement board to behind-tub air barrier and water sealing of tile and tub edge where tile meets tub
    Figure 20 .Detail showing air sealing of cement board to behind-tub air barrier and water sealing of tile and tub edge where tile meets tub (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Air Sealing Electrical Outlets and Plumbing Pipes

    Electrical outlets on exterior walls or unit-separation demising walls should be sealed with a fire-rated sealant (Figures 21 and 22). Plumbing penetrations need to be sealed at the top plates (Figure 23).

    A fire-rated sealant "putty pad" is used to air seal an electrical outlet box
    A fire-rated sealant "putty pad" is used to air seal an electrical outlet box
    A fire-rated sealant "putty pad" is used to air seal an electrical outlet box
    Figure 21. A fire-rated sealant “putty pad” is used to air seal an electrical outlet box (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Electrical outlet boxes can come with built-in gaskets or holes in the box can be sealed with a fire-rated sealant
    Electrical outlet boxes can come with built-in gaskets or holes in the box can be sealed with a fire-rated sealant
    Electrical outlet boxes can come with built-in gaskets or holes in the box can be sealed with a fire-rated sealant
    Figure 22. Electrical outlet boxes can come with built-in gaskets or holes in the box can be sealed with a fire-rated sealant (Source: Building Science Corporation).
    Plumbing pipes that pass through top plates can be air-sealed with a gasket material cut slightly smaller than the pipe diameter.
    Plumbing pipes that pass through top plates can be air-sealed with a gasket material cut slightly smaller than the pipe diameter.
    Plumbing pipes that pass through top plates can be air-sealed with a gasket material cut slightly smaller than the pipe diameter.
    Figure 23. Plumbing pipes that pass through top plates can be air sealed with a gasket material cut slightly smaller than the pipe diameter (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Construction Details – Shared Partition Walls (“Party Walls”) – Multifamily Row Houses

    Shared partition walls (“party walls”) need to meet fire rating and separation requirements. Numerous assemblies are possible. The three most common are:

    • 2-hour multifamily row-house separation wall (Figure 24)
    • Double-1-hour multifamily row-house separation wall (Figure 25)
    • 1-hour multifamily row-house separation wall (Figure 26).

    Each approach will be described. The use of one approach versus another is typically based on whether plumbing or mechanical ducts are included in the assemblies. Although each approach described in Figures 24-26 may meet the “listed” fire rating, they do not provide sufficient airtightness to meet the required airtightness limits of 0.30 cfm50/ft2 of enclosure specified in the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction (MFNC) program or 0.25 cfm50/ft2 of enclosure specified in the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home program. To meet the required airtightness, air sealing modifications are needed. These modifications, which are described below, do not affect the listed fire ratings.

    Note that, although mechanical ducts can be included in some fire-rated demising wall assemblies, this should be avoided. It is akin to installing ductwork in exterior walls. Ductwork adjacent to separation walls should always be located in interior walls or shafts located to the interior of the rated assemblies.

    Assembly details for a 2-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row
    Assembly details for a 2-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row
    Assembly details for a 2-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row
    Figure 24. Assembly details for a 2-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Assembly details for a double-1-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses
    Assembly details for a double-1-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses
    Assembly details for a double-1-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses
    Figure 25. Assembly details for a double-1-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Assembly details for a 1-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses
    Assembly details for a 1-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses
    Assembly details for a 1-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses
    Figure 26. Assembly details for a 1-hour separation wall between dwelling units in multifamily row houses (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Figures 27-30 show details for 2-hour separation walls using two layers of fire-rated gypsum between two frame walls. Figure 29 shows the air sealing necessary at party wall-to-attic interfaces. Figures 30-32 show the air sealing of the exterior sheathing with a flexible membrane that allows for differential movement. The air sealing of the gypsum board that provides compartmentalization needs to be continuous from the ceiling gypsum board to the party wall gypsum. This is accomplished by sealing the ceiling to the top plate framing and the top plate framing to the party wall gypsum.

    The air sealing in Figure 30 requires that the gypsum fire wall is airtight to the exterior sheathing. Installing a single strip of a membrane air sealing tape across the vertical gap between the two framed demising walls is not an effective air seal. Two strips are necessary. The first strip seals the gypsum fire wall to the framing of one demising wall.  The second strip seals the second frame demising wall to the gypsum fire wall. Two vertical beads of sealant are then added to provide an air seal of the two frame demising walls and gypsum fire wall to the exterior sheathing.

    A sill gasket is installed under the two layers of fire-rated gypsum providing air sealing at the foundation slab in this 2-hour fire wall separating two units in a multifamily row house building
    A sill gasket is installed under the two layers of fire-rated gypsum providing air sealing at the foundation slab in this 2-hour fire wall separating two units in a multifamily row house building
    A sill gasket is installed under the two layers of fire-rated gypsum providing air sealing at the foundation slab in this 2-hour fire wall separating two units in a multifamily row house building
    Figure 27. A sill gasket is installed under the two layers of fire-rated gypsum providing air sealing at the foundation slab in this 2-hour fire wall separating two units in a multifamily row house building (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Fully adhered membrane is used to air seal the fire-rated gypsum to the subfloor in this party wall assembly in a multifamily building
    Fully adhered membrane is used to air seal the fire-rated gypsum to the subfloor in this party wall assembly in a multifamily building
    Fully adhered membrane is used to air seal the fire-rated gypsum to the subfloor in this party wall assembly in a multifamily building
    Figure 28. Fully adhered membrane is used to air seal the fire-rated gypsum to the subfloor in this party wall assembly in a multifamily building (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Fully adhered membrane is used to seal the fire-rated gypsum to the top plates to air seal the party wall connection to the roof truss assembly in this multifamily building
    Fully adhered membrane is used to seal the fire-rated gypsum to the top plates to air seal the party wall connection to the roof truss assembly in this multifamily building
    Fully adhered membrane is used to seal the fire-rated gypsum to the top plates to air seal the party wall connection to the roof truss assembly in this multifamily building
    Figure 29. Fully adhered membrane is used to seal the fire-rated gypsum to the top plates to air seal the party wall connection to the roof truss assembly in this multifamily building (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Plan view showing how fully adhered membrane is used to air seal the party wall where it connects to the exterior wall
    Plan view showing how fully adhered membrane is used to air seal the party wall where it connects to the exterior wall
    Plan view showing how fully adhered membrane is used to air seal the party wall where it connects to the exterior wall
    Figure 30. Plan view showing how fully adhered membrane is used to air seal the party wall where it connects to the exterior wall (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    The membrane air seals shown in Figures 31 and 32 are typically an exterior-rated fully adhered membrane sheathing flashing that is used to provide air management and water management on exterior sheathings.   

    All of the sheathing seams and joints in the exterior walls of this multifamily building are air sealed with tape including the seams at the party wall interfaces
    All of the sheathing seams and joints in the exterior walls of this multifamily building are air sealed with tape including the seams at the party wall interfaces
    All of the sheathing seams and joints in the exterior walls of this multifamily building are air sealed with tape including the seams at the party wall interfaces
    Figure 31. All of the sheathing seams and joints in the exterior walls of this multifamily building are air sealed with tape including the seams at the party wall interfaces, which are also corners (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    The party wall interfaces of this multifamily building are sealed with air-sealing tape
    The party wall interfaces of this multifamily building are sealed with air-sealing tape
    The party wall interfaces of this multifamily building are sealed with air-sealing tape
    Figure 32. The party wall interfaces of this multifamily building are sealed with air-sealing tape (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    The two other typical fire-rated frame walls (double-1-hour separation walls and 1-hour separation walls) are described in Figures 33-36. Note the flexible membrane air seal connections between wall assemblies to allow for differential movement. Figure 34 shows the air seal connection of the intermediate floor framing to the exterior wall. Note the two steps shown in Figure 34. Figure 36 shows the air seal connection of the upper ceiling assembly to the exterior wall prior to the installation of the roof framing assembly (trusses, rafters). The flexible membrane air seal is typically a fully adhered roofing underlayment that is cut into widths appropriate to the geometry of the assembly being sealed. Note that Figures 34-36 apply to corridor walls as well as to exterior walls.

    A flexible membrane was installed across the floor joists to prevent air movement between the floor joists in this multifamily 1-hr partition wall assembly
    A flexible membrane was installed across the floor joists to prevent air movement between the floor joists in this multifamily 1-hr partition wall assembly
    A flexible membrane was installed across the floor joists to prevent air movement between the floor joists in this multifamily 1-hr partition wall assembly
    Figure 33. A flexible membrane was installed across the floor joists to prevent air movement between the floor joists in this multifamily 1-hr partition wall assembly (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    To seal a partition wall at the floor-exterior wall junction: a. install self-adhered membrane over subfloor, rim joist, and partition wall; b. construct walls of next floor, install more flashing over first flashing and up partition wall
    To seal a partition wall at the floor-exterior wall junction: a. install self-adhered membrane over subfloor, rim joist, and partition wall; b. construct walls of next floor, install more flashing over first flashing and up partition wall
    To seal a partition wall at the floor-exterior wall junction: a. install self-adhered membrane over subfloor, rim joist, and partition wall; b. construct walls of next floor, install more flashing over first flashing and up partition wall
    Figure 34. To seal a partition wall at the floor-exterior wall junction: a. install self-adhered membrane over subfloor, rim joist, and partition wall; b. construct walls of next floor, install more flashing over first flashing and up partition wall (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Plan view showing fully adhered membrane and sealant installed to air seal partition wall junction with the exterior wall of a multifamily building
    Plan view showing fully adhered membrane and sealant installed to air seal partition wall junction with the exterior wall of a multifamily building
    Plan view showing fully adhered membrane and sealant installed to air seal partition wall junction with the exterior wall of a multifamily building
    Figure 35. Plan view showing fully adhered membrane and sealant installed to air seal partition wall junction with the exterior wall of a multifamily building (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Air seal connection of the ceiling sheathing to the exterior wall of a 1-hr fire-rated partition wall of a multifamily building
    Air seal connection of the ceiling sheathing to the exterior wall of a 1-hr fire-rated partition wall of a multifamily building
    Air seal connection of the ceiling sheathing to the exterior wall of a 1-hr fire-rated partition wall of a multifamily building
    Figure 36. Air seal connection of the ceiling sheathing to the exterior wall of a 1-hr fire-rated partition wall of a multifamily building (Source: Building Science Corporation).


    Ensuring Success

    The building enclosure surfaces, corridor assemblies, and party walls (shared partition walls) between units should be visually checked to ensure that the gaps and connections between sheathing and gypsum board layers and framing are sealed.  Air sealing and compartmentalization effectiveness is measured in individual units using air leakage testing conducted with a blower door tester as shown in Figure 1. The ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction (MFNC) program requires that air leakage be no more than 0.30 cfm50/ft2 of enclosure. The DOE Zero Energy Ready Home program specifies air leakage can be no more than 0.25 cfm50/ft2 of enclosure. 

    A blower door is used to test air leakage in this multifamily building during construction
    A blower door is used to test air leakage in this multifamily building during construction
    A blower door is used to test air leakage in this multifamily building during construction
    Figure 1. A blower door is used to test air leakage in this multifamily building during construction (Source: Building Science Corporation).

    The approaches are climate independent – they work in all climates.

    Right and Wrong Images
    Wrong – No membrane or sealant is installed to air seal at the roof-truss assembly junction with the party walls
    Wrong – No membrane or sealant is installed to air seal at the roof-truss assembly junction with the party walls
    Wrong - Membrane or sealant air seal is missing at the intersection of the party wall with the exterior wall in this multifamily building
    Wrong - Membrane or sealant air seal is missing at the intersection of the party wall with the exterior wall in this multifamily building
    Limited attic access may make it necessary to use a bore scope when inspecting for missing air barriers and insulation in existing buildings.
    Limited attic access may make it necessary to use a bore scope when inspecting for missing air barriers and insulation in existing buildings.

    More Info.

    Access to some references may require purchase from the publisher. While we continually update our database, links may have changed since posting. Please contact our webmaster if you find broken links.

    References and Resources*
    Dentz Jordan,
    Conlin Francis
    Advanced Residential Integrated Energy Solutions,
    Levy Partnership,
    U.S. Department of Energy,
    Publication Date
    Study identifying common air leakage pathways in one type of low-rise multifamily building common in mixed-humid climates.
    *For non-dated media, such as websites, the date listed is the date accessed.
    Contributors to this Guide

    The following authors and organizations contributed to the content in this Guide.

    Building Science Corporation

    Last Updated

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