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Guides A-Z

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Guide describing how to insulate a basement to improve the overall thermal performance of the building and provide more dry, usable conditioned space for home occupants and for HVAC equipment.
Guide that illustrates how and when to encapsulate ductwork in unconditioned attics, increases the R-value of duct insulation, mitigating condensation issues and reducing air leakage.
Information guide describing how to apply a whole-house approach to home improvement with energy efficiency upgrades, improved indoor air quality, and increased comfort.
Guide describing how to upgrade a wall with a floor overhang (or cantilever) on an existing home by adding rigid insulating sheating and or closed-cell spray foam insulation and air sealing.
Guide with information about how to upgrade a garage ceiling when a portion of the interior of the house is located directly above the attached garage by adding insulation and air sealing.
Guide describing options for designing and locating the thermal boundary at either the attic floor or along the roof line in new and existing homes.
This guide describes how to install a rigid air barrier to separate the porch attic from the conditioned space.
Guide describing wind washing and how to prevent it.