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Whole-Building Design Strategies -
Indoor Environment

Solution Center Guides

Showing results 1 - 24 of 24

Guide describing how to use a blower door test to determine building envelope air leakage.
This guide describes the uses, selection process, and specification of high-MERV filters.
Guide with information about how to upgrade a garage ceiling when a portion of the interior of the house is located directly above the attached garage by adding insulation and air sealing.
Guide describing how to install an exhaust fan in an attached garage to pull fumes out of the garage and to depressurize the garage with reference to the home.
Guide describing how to install a radon mitigation fan with various types of house foundations.
Guide describing removal of construction debris from flex ducts and protection of ducts and HVAC equipment during construction to keep them free of dust and debris.
Guide describing how to install a radon-mitigating vertical ventilation pipe in new and existing homes with various types of house foundations.