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Drain or Sump Pump Installed in Basements or Crawlspaces

    Scope Images
    Sump pumps should have tight fitting cover

    Install a drain or sump pump in homes with a basement or crawlspace. General instructions for installing a sump pump are as follows. For additional details see the Description tab.

    1. Select a location in the basement or crawlspace.
    2. Dig a hole or remove the concrete floor.
    3. Place gravel in the bottom of the sump pit and place the liner.
    4. Install the sump pump, wiring, and the discharge pipe with the check valve.
    5. Cover with a gasketed, airtight cover.

    See the Compliance Tab for links to related codes and standards and voluntary federal energy-efficiency program requirements.


    Bulk water must be drained from the lowest portions of the foundation (below the interior finish floor level): this is the function of the footing drain, which is in turn drained to daylight or to a sump pit and pumped out (see Figure 1).  The drain or sump (Figure 2) keeps ground water levels below interior floor levels and also drains away any water that has been collected by the foundation wall drainage system.

    The outflow from the sump pit must be directed to a storm sewer (if permitted by your local municipality) or a dry well away from the foundation.  Depositing the outflow next to the foundation will result in simply “recycling” water in and out through the foundation drainage system. The sump pit should have an airtight cover for indoor air quality reasons; if not covered, the sump can allow soil gases (including radon, water vapor, herbicides, termiticides, methane, etc.) into the home, which can be detrimental to occupant health. See the guide Sump Pump Cover Gasket for more information about covering the sump pit.

    Basement plan showing sump pump location and perimeter drain that empties to the sump pit
    Basement plan showing sump pump location and perimeter drain that empties to the sump pit
    Basement plan showing sump pump location and perimeter drain that empties to the sump pit
    Figure 1. Basement plan showing sump pump location and perimeter drain that empties to the sump pit. (Source: Building Science Corporation.)
    Sump pump installed in the basement or crawlspace floor
    Sump pump installed in the basement or crawlspace floor
    Sump pump installed in the basement or crawlspace floor
    Figure 2. The sump pump is installed in the basement or crawlspace floor to collect water from the foundation drainage piping and pump it out and away from the house to a storm sewer or dry well. (Source: Building Science Corporation.)

    How to Install a Sump Pump

    1. Select a location in the basement or the crawlspace.  The sump pump should be located in the lowest spot of the floor, near a wall so the discharge pipe can be easily directed outside and near an electrical outlet to power the sump pump. Select a sump pump with a tight fitting, gasketed cover that is mechanically fastened. Sump covers that permit observation of conditions in the sump pit are recommended.
    2. For a retrofit case, dig a hole or remove the concrete floor 6 to 10 inches deeper and wider than the sump liner.  For new construction, the hole should be approximately the same size as the sump liner (see Figure 3).
    3. Fill the bottom of the sump pit with gravel and place the liner.  Connect the sump pit to the perimeter drain or the sub-slab gravel field by using a perforated sump pit liner or through-footing pipes that are connected to the perimeter drain.  In a retrofit case, fill the sump pit with additional gravel around the sump liner and place a layer of concrete at the edge of the liner.
    Install the sump pit liner
    Install the sump pit liner
    Install the sump pit liner
    Figure 3. Install the sump pit liner. (Source: Building Science Corporation.)

         4. Install the discharge pipe to direct water out and away from the building.  Install a check valve to prevent discharged water from flowing back into 
             the sump pit when the sump pump turns off.  Place the pump in the sump pit and plug it in (Figure 4).  Make sure the float is unobstructed. The 
             outlet may need to be a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) safety outlet - refer to the List of NFPA Codes & Standards.

    Install the sump pump
    Install the sump pump
    Install the sump pump
    Figure 4. Install the sump pump. (Source: Building Science Corporation.)

         5. Place the airtight cover on the sump and connect the last section of the discharge pipe (Figure 5).   See the guide Gasketed/Sealed Sump Covers for 
             more information.

    Install the sump pump cover
    Install the sump pump cover
    Install the sump pump cover
    Figure 5. Install the sump pump cover. (Source: Building Science Corporation.)

         6. If the sump is installed in a concrete slab, caulk around the outside edge of the sump pit liner where the liner meets the concrete (EPA 1994). If the 
             sump is installed in a crawlspace with a dirt floor covered by a polyethylene vapor barrier, ensure that polyethylene covers the ground around the 
             sump pump and is taped to the rim of the liner.

    Ensuring Success

    Test the sump pump system to ensure that water is properly discharged out and away from the building.  Verify the cover is tightly placed over the sump pit to prevent soil gases from entering the building.


    No climate specific information applies.

    Right and Wrong Images
    This sump pump is installed correctly
    This sump pump is installed correctly
    Wrong – The sump pump does not have a cover
    Wrong – The sump pump does not have a cover
    Right – The sump pump has a sealed cover that is mechanically attached
    Right – The sump pump has a sealed cover that is mechanically attached
    Wrong – The sump pump does not have a cover
    Wrong – The sump pump does not have a cover
    Right – The sump pump has a sealed cover that is mechanically attached
    Right – The sump pump has a sealed cover that is mechanically attached
    Wrong - The sump pump alone cannot address the water infiltration issues in this crawlspace.
    Wrong - The sump pump alone cannot address the water infiltration issues in this crawlspace.
    Wrong - The sump pump pit should be covered with a gasketed lid.
    Wrong - The sump pump pit should be covered with a gasketed lid.
    Existing Homes

    In existing homes with a basement or crawlspace, especially those with moisture issues or seasonal dampness, install a drain or sump pump. General instructions for installing a sump pump can be found in the scope tab. For additional details see the description tab.

    Because the movement of earth and existing home components may be involved in the installation of a drain or sump pump, see the Pre-Retrofit Assessment of Hazardous Materials as it relates to asbestos, VOCs, lead, and safe work conditions. Also see the Pre-Retrofit Assessment of Crawlspaces and Basements.

    For more information, see the U.S. Department of Energy’s Standard Work Specifications regarding interior drains.

    See Compliance tab. 


    More Info.

    Access to some references may require purchase from the publisher. While we continually update our database, links may have changed since posting. Please contact our webmaster if you find broken links.

    References and Resources*
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    Publication Date
    Standard providing information on contractors who offer radon control services to homeowners.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    Publication Date
    Website providing the technical specifications and related documents for home builders, subcontractors, architects, and other housing professionals interested in certifying a home to the EPA's Indoor airPLUS program requirements.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
    Publication Date
    Guide describing details that serve as a visual reference for each of the line items in the Water Management System Builder Checklist.
    Lstiburek Joseph W
    Building Science Corporation,
    Publication Date
    Book presenting the best techniques for energy and resource efficient residential construction in the colder climates of North America.
    Lstiburek Joseph W,
    Ueno Kohta
    Building Science Corporation,
    Publication Date
    Report about the fundamental concepts that must be understood at the planning or initial nspection of existing homes regarding surface and ground water management.
    National Fire Protection Association
    Publication Date
    Webpage published by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) that lists more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks.
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    Publication Date
    Standard providing information on contractors who offer radon control services to homeowners.
    *For non-dated media, such as websites, the date listed is the date accessed.
    Contributors to this Guide

    The following authors and organizations contributed to the content in this Guide.

    Building Science Corporation, lead for the Building Science Consortium (BSC), a DOE Building America Research Team

    Last Updated

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