Video from the University of Nevada - Reno explaining how ember activity from the Caughlin fire paired with high winds led to the destruction of homes over a mile away from the fire.
Video from LGL Archive Page (City of Lexington Kentucky) explaining the steps needed to take to ensure proper site drainage prior to new home construction.
Video from the University of Nevada - Reno with a firefighter who fought the Washoe Drive Fire explains how strong winds can cause rapid wildfire spread, affecting homes.
Video from the University of Nevada - Reno explaining how a particular fire, the Washoe Drive Fire, was able to spread rapidly and affect homes and other structures through flying embers reaching roofs, vents, garages, and other openings.
Video explaining a design option for homes in the case of a flood that would negate the need for gutting the home post-flood. Recommendations from LSU AgCenter.
Video showing steps to protect yourself from the risk of inhaling asbestos microfibers when working in a home affected by flooding that may contain disturbed, asbestos-based materials.
Video showing how to safely and correctly dry water damaged floor and wall materials after a home has been flooded to reduce the risk of structural damage and mold.
Video providing instructions on how to safely inspect your home and turn off utilities following a flood. The video also describes how to check for weak spots in the floor, ceiling, and walls.
Video showing how how to safely clean and remove water damaged flooring from flooded homes without causing further damage to the home or harm to the homeowner.
Video showing how to safely use generators after home is flooded to avoid fires and carbon monoxide poisoning as well as what to do if the homeowner is exposed to carbon monoxide.