Matt Risinger video sponsored by EPA ENERGY STAR that conducts a thorough review of 2022 water heaters for homeowners, evaluating factors such as Energy Star ratings, pricing, fuel efficiency, and product suitability for various buyer profiles.
Steve Easley details the 2009 IECC residential requirements regarding Water and Moisture issues. Flashing, windows, water leaks and kick out flashings are all discussed.
Video showing how a home reacts in high wind conditions and certain easy-to-install measures homeowners can take to keep their home intact with recommendations from IBHS FORTIFIED Home.
Video presentation describing updated building codes and their importance for building resilient communities, specifically looking at community lifelines during a disaster, and how to keep essential businesses and government branches functioning properly.
Video presentation describing the new program, 'Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program, which replaces FEMA's "Pre-Disaster Mitigation" program, including key elements and how to receive grant money.
This webinar is a presentation discussing background information on what tsunamis are and what to expect and closes with how to best prepare one's home for a tsunami and how to evacuate.
This webinar is a presentation discussing background information on what volcanic eruptions are and what to expect and closes with how to best prepare one's home for a volcanic eruption and how to evacuate.
Video describing how wet floodproofing helps prevent flood damage by using four different design strategies; elevate, float, wet floodproof, and dry floodproof. Recommendations from the National Building Museum.
This webinar is a presentation discussing background information on what earthquakes are and what to expect and closes with how to best prepare one's home for an earthquake.
Video that describes the roof shape that best stands up to high wind conditions (from the exhibition Designing for Disaster at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.
Video explaining the threats of wildfires to homes and how to design your home to have a 'defensible zone' for fire protection. Recommendations from FLASH StrongHomes.
Video from National Fire Protection Association looking into construction differences of homes that survived fires versus those that did not. Part 1 of 2.
Video from National Fire Protection Association looking into construction differences of homes that survived fires versus those that did not. Part 2 of 2.
Video describing attic ventilation methods for wind and water-resistant roofs to comply with FLASH Strong Home guidelines and improve hurricane resitance.
Video discussing wind-resistant roof types and providing recommendations on how to choose the right roof type for your home per FLASH Strong Home guidelines.
Video presentation from the National Fire Protection Association with Dr. Jack Cohen, a fire science researcher with the USDA Forest Service, explaining steps to take to protect critical parts of a home from igniting due to flames and embers.
Video from Cold Climate Housing Research Center on how warm air typically leaks out of homes through attics via the stack effect and how to mitigate these effects through building practices.