This project is funding the planning, permitting, and preliminary engineering needed for the integration of advanced energy technologies in a disadvantaged community. The design will provide locally generated, GHG-free electricity from community solar and storage to offset electricity consumption of participants who opt in to the AEC. The design will also enable participants to benefit from savings resulting from various onsite Integrated Demand Side Management (IDSM) actions at no up-front cost, including energy efficiency retrofits, demand response, energy management systems, and an energy education and support program. Participants will pay back retrofit costs and cost of capital for solar and storage assets through an on-bill financing mechanism, including a first-of-its-kind virtual net metering (VNEM) tariff across multiple county-owned sites and residential buildings piloted by Los Angeles Community Choice Energy (LACCE). The project has a strong focus on local outreach and engagement to promote community participation in the AEC, as well as robust data evaluation methods facilitated through the LA County Energy Atlas to ensure design and financing features are optimized.
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