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Total Charge Management: Advanced Charge Management for Renewable Integration

This project will explore the benefits and opportunities of Total Charge Management, where electric vehicle charging is managed across multiple charging events to maximize vehicle load flexibility. The project will test how flexible electric vehicle load can be if managed across a driver's daily or weekly charge events. This flexibility will utilize several pricing mechanisms to estimate the benefits of the Total Charge Management approach. The research will develop and evaluate advanced vehicle telematics for utilities and grid operators to align vehicle battery status, driver mobility needs and grid conditions. Collaboration between the grid and the driver can yield a charging load profile that minimizes energy costs by aligning daily and weekly charging events to best meet grid needs.
Funded Performer
BMW of North America, LLC
Agreement Total
Match Total
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Program Information
Funding Organization
California Energy Commission
Program Area
Project Details
Ongoing Initiative or Research Project
Research Project
Grid, Whole Building, or Technology
Technology Type
Electric Vehicle
DR Focus?
Code/Standard Focus?
BA Climate Region
Cold/Very Cold
IECC Climate Region
Zone 5
Salt Lake City