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Field Test for Commercial High Volume Heat Pump Water Heaters

Heating water for commercial is identified in the 7th Power Plan as desired measures. The goal of this project is to fund the design, installation, commissioning and warranty of a large commercial heat pump water heater (HPWHs) as an Emerging Technology Field Test. BPA will award fund utility grants to design, install and commissioning the unit, meter energy usage and provide data to BPA for further analyses. Each utility will also provide results regarding the design, installation, and commissioning of the unit which will be shared publically
Funded Performer
BPA Customer Utilities
Agreement Total
Match Total
Project End Date
Program Information
Funding Organization
Bonneville Power Administration
Program Area
Field test or demonstration
Project Manager
Erik Boyer
Project Details
Ongoing Initiative or Research Project
Research Project
Grid, Whole Building, or Technology
Technology Type
Water Heating
Building Type
New or Existing
DR Focus?
Code/Standard Focus?