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Demonstration of Steam Accumulator Thermal Storage for use with High Efficiency Low Emission Pellet Steam Boilers

This project seeks to develop operational procedures and proper system sizing guidelines for the inclusion of thermal storage in biomass-fired steam generation. The Town of Chester will design, install, commission, and evaluate a high-efficiency, low-emission pellet-fired steam boiler integrated with a wet steam accumulator for thermal storage. The system will be installed in the Town of Chester municipal building in Chestertown, NY, a 36,000 sq. ft. brick building originally fitted with a steam heating system. The existing boiler room has two oil-fired steam boilers, one currently out-of-service, which will be replaced by the proposed biomass-fired steam boiler. The project will demonstrate, measure, and evaluate the benefits of complete system integration, including a properly sized biomass-fired boiler, adequate thermal storage, building energy management and controls, and an existing oil-fired boiler
Funded Performer
Town of Chester
Agreement Total
Match Total
Project Start Date
Program Information
Funding Organization
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Program Area
R&D - Buildings Research
Project Manager
Michael Genovese
Project Details
Ongoing Initiative or Research Project
Research Project
Grid, Whole Building, or Technology
Technology Type
Sub-Technology Type
HVAC - Heating
Building Type
New or Existing
DR Focus?
Code/Standard Focus?
BA Climate Region
Cold/Very Cold
IECC Climate Region
Zone 6
New York