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Advance Rooftop Controls (ARC) LightFan Savings Only Utility Grants

This work will determine the savings and the cost-effectiveness of advanced rooftop unit controller (ARC) Light Retrofits. This work will support a new evaluated measure through the development of a Standard Protocol, based on 38 Zeros meters and the ARC retrofit fan-only analysis. Utility grants will fully fund the installation of up to 30 ARC Light Retrofits, where 38 Zeros meter installations are also fully funded, with one-year of data hosting. (ARC Light Retrofits are expected to cost around $2,000, while the 38 Zeros meter installations are expected to cost around $1,500, including one year of data-hosting and retrieval of the 38 Zeros meter.) All grants will be paid by 9/15/15 because of the inability to spend money in the new rate period. Based on EER feedback, utilities will claim self-funded (non-EEI) savings as FY15 custom projects.
Agreement Total
Match Total
Project End Date
Program Information
Funding Organization
Bonneville Power Administration
Program Area
Scaled field placement
Project Manager
Mira Vowles
Project Details
Ongoing Initiative or Research Project
Research Project
Grid, Whole Building, or Technology
Technology Type
Sub-Technology Type
Controls - FDD
Building Type
New or Existing
DR Focus?
Code/Standard Focus?