Video that explains how to calculate the cross sectional area and net area of a building's walls, which are concepts that are necessary for analyzing the heat transfer.
Video discussing weather data, including heating degree days and cooling degree days, and how this information is used to inform the ΔT term in the Fourier's Law equation.
Video that discusses the most common technologies for heating water, including storage, tankless, heat pump, and solar water heaters. It also goes over practices for saving energy with water heating systems.
Video that discusses practical applications for types of lighting, as well as explains why human needs have shaped the way the industry applies lighting to buildings.
Presentation by Home Performance Contractor Academy giving building science advice for for homes in dry climate zones, specifically weatherization, safety, and quality control measures. Part 2 of 7.
Presentation by Home Performance Contractor Academy giving building science advice for for homes in dry climate zones, specifically combustion safety and combustion appliance zones. Part 3 of 7.
Presentation by Home Performance Contractor Academy giving building science advice for for homes in dry climate zones, specifically pressure, air flow, and air leakage. Part 4 of 7.
Presentation by Home Performance Contractor Academy giving building science advice for for homes in dry climate zones, specifically building envelope, air sealing, and attics. Part 5 of 7.
Presentation by Home Performance Contractor Academy giving building science advice for for homes in dry climate zones, specifically mechanical ventilation for air flow. Part 6 of 7.
Presentation by Home Performance Contractor Academy giving building science advice for for homes in dry climate zones, specifically duct testing and leakage calculations. Part 7 of 7.
Webinar from Sarah Truitt, Madeline Salzman, Zachary Peterson, and Clint Shireman of NREL, U.S. DOE, and Knauf Insulation on the future of healthy and energy efficient buildings, focusing on workforce training and development. Free EEBA login required.
This presentation will help you define insulated siding, understand R-value testing of insulated siding, describe proper installation of insulated siding, comply with energy codes and understand building energy performance program and software recognition.
Webinar from Dean Gamble of EPA's ENERGY STAR program explaining common HVAC installation issues that can impact performance and efficiency and how to ensure that your home's HVAC is functioning correctly with easy field tests.
Webinar from Dean Gamble of EPA's ENERGY STAR program explaining common HVAC installation issues that can impact performance and efficiency and how to ensure that your home's HVAC is functioning correctly with easy field tests. Free EEBA login required.
Webinar from Shawn LeMons for EEBA on the pros and cons of using cold climate air source heat pumps (ccASHP) in homes in cold climates. Free EEBA login required.
Webinar that talks about the dangers of radon gas and some solutions to keep a healthy indoor air environment. Free EBBA Digital Chalkboard Account required to view.
Webinar from Sara Gutterman of Green Builder Media explaining the long-term changes expected to come from the Coronavirus pandemic as they relate to building science and consumer behaviors, including indoor air quality. Free EEBA login required.
Webinar from Bill Warren of BWES Building Science on how to use building science principles such as ventilation, airflow, pressure balances, and filtration to reduce exposure risk to COVID and other airborne diseases. Free EEBA login required.
Webinar for understanding advanced lighting control system capabilities, architecture, and documentation to keep your system performing to owner and user expectations.
Presentation with technical training covering several possible approaches to locating ducts within the home’s air and thermal barriers, and then dig into design considerations and details for the spray foam encapsulation approach.
Webinar from Mandy Lee of NAACP on improving energy efficiency within affordable housing neighborhoods, especially for black and brown communities. Free EEBA login required.