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Why Register?

Registering with the Solution Center allows you to create a personal account, which can be used to enhance and customize your use of the tool. After you create an account, you'll have access to the customizable tools.

Field Kits

When logged in, your Field Kits will display in the upper right black bar wherever you go in the Solution Center. You can either create a new Field Kit, or access the Field Kits you created in the past. Create as many personalized folders as you like, and add any variety of Solution Center content to them.

Screenshot: Field Kit navigation.
Hover over the Field Kit icon to create new folders, or access already saved content.


Once you create Field Kits, they will be available to add content throughout the site. Click on a title to access saved Solution Center content. Click the "Share this Field Kit" link at the top of the page, to email it to another user.

Screenshot: an example Field Kit.
Example saved Field Kit, with many types of Solution Center content.


To add content to your Field Kits, you must be logged in, and you must also have created a Field Kit folder. When you've found content you wish to save, click on the Field Kit button, and add it to one of your field kits.

Screenshot: How to add content to a field kit.
Adding content to Field Kit folders.



Sales Tool

When logged into your BASC account, you can also create customized Sales Worksheets. The Sales menu is next to the Field Kit menu in the upper right of the black bar. Click on the menu dropdown, then click Create Sales Worksheet to make a new customized sales list, or View My Sales Worksheets to see all saved Sales Tools. For in-depth instructions for creating sales worksheets, see this presentation.


Screenshot: Sales Worksheets navigation.
Click on the Sales menu dropdown to create new folders, or access already saved content.


Solution Center Mobile App

Access your Building America Field Kits using Solutions from an Android- or iOS-based mobile application. The Solutions app allows offline access to all Building America Solution Center images and Guides that have been stored in your Field Kits. To access saved Field Kits offline, you must synchronize your Solutions app by opening it while you have an internet connection.